Barriers to Accessing Healthcare Services and Coping Strategies among People with Hearing Impairments in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria

Publication Date : 01-06-2022

Author(s) :

Mesagan, I. C, Dipeolu, I. O.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 1
(06 - 2022)

Abstract :

Barriers experienced by people with hearing impairment when accessing healthcare facilities have resulted in their avoidance of healthcare facilities, misdiagnosis, frustrations and lack of confidence in the health system. Across-sectional survey design with a purposive sampling technique and snowball approach was used to select 80 respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered and analysed using descriptive statistics and Fisher's exact test at á . Respondents (68.8%) were single, 0.05 63.8% were between 18 and 25 years old, and 66.3% had high school education. The commonly used method of communication among the respondents was sign language (92.5%), and most respondents (63.8%) earned no monthly income. More than half (57.5%) indicated that their health status was very good. However, 66.3% indicated they took ill in the last 12 months before the study. Common barriers on the individual/demand side include lack of finance (65.0%), inability to communicate (62.5%), and fear of misdiagnosis (55.0%). High treatment cost (75.0%), delay before seeing a doctor (68.8%), and absence of sign language interpreters (66.3%) topped the list of the institutional/supply-side barriers. Coping strategies adopted by the respondents include seeking help from other sources (73.8%) and being accompanied by family members to the facilities (67.5%). There was no significant association between the variables stated. Sensitising the deaf about the healthcare facility where they can access health services will improve deaf patients' health seeking behaviour. Training health workers on sign language and its uses will help enhance the deaf's health-seeking behaviour to access healthcare services.

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