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Carefully read the following instructions

  1. Make sure your paper is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  2. Ensure that your paper aligns with the journal’s scope and subject areas.
  3. Follow the author guidelines provided on the website for formatting and style (Read More Here).
  4. Include an abstract, keywords, and references in your submission.
  5. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest or funding sources.
  6. Ensure that all co-authors have agreed to the submission and are listed appropriately.
  7. Provide complete and accurate author information, including affiliations and contact details.
  8. Confirm that all data, figures, and images used in the paper are original or properly cited.
  9. Be prepared to respond to any reviewer comments or revise your paper if necessary.
  10. Understand that submission does not guarantee acceptance and that all papers are subject to peer review.

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